Thursday, February 17, 2011

Soul On Ice by Eldridge Cleaver. 1968. This book is a collection of essays and letters written over a period of several years. At the time it was highly provocative. The first two sections were interesting, the final section seemed to me to be a bit silly.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

One Two Three ... Infinity by George Gamow. Originally published in 1947, this copy was printed in 1967 and includes some revisions from about that time. I bought this book new in about 1968. I was in grade school at the time. I remember reading it and being fascinated by the big numbers (especially the descriptions of infinity) and the various descriptions of Relativity and Cosmogony. This particular edition of the book is probably a bit out of date, there is a more current Dover re-print, ISBN 0486256642. Still, I enjoyed re-reading it and would recommend it to anyone interested in learning about science. I was reminded about this book while reading The Pythagorean Theorem by Eli Maor. His book was so good that I bought a copy of his To Infinity and Beyond and in that book was a reference to this book. So I looked around in my boxes of books and found this book and decided to re-read it. Glad I did.