Monday, November 25, 2013

The Story of Mathematics by Richard Mankiewicz (2000, ISBN 0-691-08808-X)
This is a history of mathematics. It is a high level summary, probably intended for people who are not mathematics or science oriented, but are interested in learning some of the history. The book does not cover any of the details of the areas it discusses. There are lots of interesting pictures and quotes.
Purchased  2001-7-20.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins. 2004, ISBN 0-618-00583-8.
This is a fantastic book. I loved reading it. (The entry on wikipedia contains a lot of information about the book.) Highly recommended for those interested in learning something about how various living things are related. Since this is a non-fiction science book, information contained in it will change a bit as new discoveries are made, still much of the information is well establish, so this book should be a good introduction to evolution for the layman for many years to come.
Purchased new from the PSU bookstore on 2-23-2005 for $28.

Monday, August 19, 2013

The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien 1937, ISBN 0-395-17711-1 and 01532. A fantasy novel about a world inhabited by various humanoid creatures called Hobbits, Dwarves, Wizards, Elves, Goblins, Dragons, etc. Very entertaining and very popular. This is the third time I have read this book. Twice I read the paperback shown (01532 Ballantine Books) and once the hardback slipcase edition. The paperback was purchased back in 1971 or 1972 for 95 cents. The hardback was purchased on 2002-1-2 from Borders Books for $35.00.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

In Pursuit of the Unknown by Ian Stewart, 2012, ISBN 978-0-465-02973-0. Subtitle: 17 Equations That Changed the World. This book has a label on the back the says Mathematics, but I think it should be labelled Physics, etc. It is really more about the subjects of the equations than the mathematics. Subjects discusses include Pythagora's Theorem, Logarithms, Calculus, Newton's Law of Gravity, Square Root of Minus One, Euler's Formula for Polyhedra, Normal Distribution, Wave Equation, Fourier Transform, Navier-Stokes Equation, Maxwell's Equations, Second Law of Thermodynamics, Relativity, Schrodingers Equation, Information Theory, Chaos Theory and Black-Scholes Equation.
If you are interested in how mathematics is used in the real world, I think this is a good introduction. It is well written, informative and I think entertaining. Sadly there is no list of books for further reading.
 Purchased from Amazon on 2013-3-7 for $20.51.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison (1952, Y3814 Signet)

I think a lot of people read this book when they were in school, but I was never assigned to read it. I bought a copy years ago, but just got around to reading it. I used to think that this was non-fiction for some reason, but of course it is a novel.

The story is about the experience of a black man growing up in the south and then moving to NYC.

Probably purchased at Powell's Books, date unknown, price $2. This book was a discard from a school library.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Glorious Golden Ratio by Alfred S. Posamentier.  2012, ISBN 978-1-61614-423-4. If you are interested in Mathematics then you'll love this book. The golden ratio is a number which occurs in geometry over and over again. The golden ratio is also related to the Fibonacci and Lucas numbers. This book discusses how to construct the golden ratio, how it has been used in the past and gives many examples of it in geometry. Purchased at Powells books, on 1-21-2012, for $27.00.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy. 2000, ISBN 0-14-200027-2. This translation is by Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky.
Written by Tolstoy in Russian from 1873 to 1877.
I have three other translations of this book (Magarshack, Carmichael and Edmonds.) I think I read it once when I was in high school and again in college. This book is considered by some to be the greatest novel ever written, while that seems a bit much, it can be said that it is a very good novel and well worth the time it takes to read. At over 800 pages it is a challenge for the modern reader. I am glad that I re-read it. The story is about Anna and her dive into destruction, but also about Levin who maybe discovers the meaning of life. The two characters are Russian aristocrats who live in a world of privilege. I think Anna and Levin only meet once during the novel, but they know each other and have many friends in common.  
Purchased from Powell's books 2002-1-22, for $16.