Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Physics Book by Clifford A Pickover (2011, ISBN 978-1-4027-7861-2).
Subtitle-- From the Big Bang to Quantum Resurrection, 250 Milestones in the History of Physics.
Provides a brief summary, one page of text and a picture for 250 physics topics--
For example, Eratosthesnes Measures the Earth- describes how a scientist in 240 BC figured out how to measure the circumference  (yes they knew the Earth was sphere even then) of the Earth using measurements and math.
--or-- Photoelectric Effect, 1905, explains how shining a light on a copper plate can induce a electric current.
Many topics covered, worth reading if you are interested in science.
Purchased on 2017-12-11, AmazonMarketPlace (ChristianBookBag), 13.99$

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