Sunday, January 19, 2020

Gates of Stone by Angus Macallan (aka Angus Donald) (2019, ISBN 978-0-4514-9027-8) Subtitled- A Lord of the Islands Novel.

This is a fantasy novel that takes place in alternate version of Asia. Most of the action takes place in an area that might be similar to Java sea. The characters move about on foot or in sailing ships. They fight with swords and muskets and sometimes cannons. Magic is present and some characters can do magical things. There are several threads of story line that are followed in alternate chapters until the end when several of the threads merge. While the stories are concluded there is much more to be told and so this novel may be the first of a series.

Received as Christmas present 2019 (purchased at Powells books for 16.00$ on 2019-12-23.)

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