Tuesday, December 31, 2019

21 Lessons for the 21st Century, by Yuval Noah Harari (2018, ISBN 978-0-525-51217-2)

A collection of essays that respond to questions from readers of his first two books (Sapiens and Homo Deus.)

Subjects are "The end of history has been postponed", "when you grow up, you might not have a job", "Big Data is watching you", "those who own the data own the future", "humans have bodies", "there is just one civilization in the world", and 15 more...

Like his other books I would regard this as a must read for those who like to think.

Purchased from Amazon, 2018-09-28 from 16.70$
The Zoomable Universe, by Caleb Scharf (2017, ISBN 978-0-374-71571-7)

Describes the Universe from the very large 10^27 (the whole universe) to the very small 10^-35 (the Planck scale.) It goes in steps of powers of 10 of meters. The humans are at between 10 meters and 1 meters.

Received for Christmas 2017.
The Iliad, Homer, Caroline Alexander (2015, ISBN 978-0-06-204627-7)

I like the Iliad, I have read it several times and have collected many English translations (I even have the Greek version, why?, I don't know as I can't read it.)

Purchased Powells Books, 2018-1-10, 27.50$
The Gospel According to Luke, New King James Version, Gideons.

The first time I read Luke, probably 50 years ago, was the Good News translation.

Book found free some where.
The Philosophy Book, by Gregory Bassham (2016, ISBN 978-1-4549-1847-9) Subtitle-- From the Vedas to the New Atheists, 250 Milestones in the History of Philosophy.
I really liked this book. Contains 250 one page descriptions of various philosophy topics arraigned by date. Starts with Vedas and ends with "The Triple Theory of Ethics". In the back of the book are references to other books for each topic, so you can research further. Also, of course, you can research on the internet using things like Wikipedia. Below is page one of the table of contents. As you can see a wide range of topics is covered.
Purchased from Amazon, June 19, 2019 for 19.44$