Thursday, April 3, 2008

Biography and Mission of Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab by Jalal Abualrub. First edition June 2003, ISBN 0-9703766-5-0. This book is the opposite of the "Moon-o-theism" book. This author is very much a true believer in Islam, in particular, the brand endorsed by the subject of the book. At least that is the impression I got while reading this book. This book is a bit difficult to read because of the extensive footnotes. Almost all pages have footnotes and about half the time the footnotes are more than half the page. These footnotes contains much of the actual text of the book, not just the usual references. The author spends a great deal of time quoting from other books and then, generally, describing why those other authors are incorrect. The subject of the book is the founder of the Wahhabi movement. Followers prefer to be called Salafi or Muwahid.

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