Friday, February 7, 2020

Saint Luke by G. B. Caird (1963, ISBN 0-1402-0490-3)
Subtitle- The Pelican New Testament Commentaries.

This book is a commentary of the Gospel Of Luke from the Christian New Testament.

 The books consists of a series of sections, each covering a part of the Gospel Of Luke. Each section contains text from the Gospel Of Luke. The text is taken from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible. The text also includes any variations that the translators might have noted. Next is the commentary. It explains the text, what it is trying to convey, the context of the time of the events of the text, the context of the time that the author wrote the text and also modern ideas concerning the events and time period being discussed. Following the commentary are often technical notes concerning the text. Many different versions of the text are extant and because they were written by hand by individuals that might have had different opinions about the text or the events it describes, there are differences that the translators had to choose from. The commentary also discusses the text and how it compares to the other Gospels, which parts are in common and which are unique to Luke.

This book was purchased a long time ago,